You can buy just about anything in Macau, from designer clothing, to jewelry, to antiquities, and pay less than you would in neighboring Hong Kong. Avenida Almeida Ribeiro is where you’ll find jewelry and Chinese goods, and upscale boutiques are centered around Senado Square, and in major casinos as well. Antique furniture stores and art galleries are near the nexus of Rua de Sao Paulo and Rua Santo Antonio, and run for a block down each street, very near historic Senado Square.
Here are two of our shopping favorites…
Recommended art gallery :
St. Paul’s Fine Art
3,5,7 Travessa de Sao Paulo
Ph: +853-2842-2842
GPS Coordinates: N22 degrees, 11.880′, E113 degrees, 32.476′
Located at the foot of the Ruins of St. Paul’s Church, this impressive gallery, dedicated to contemporary Macanese artists, opened in December of 2007. It’s worth a look, if just to see the work of emerging local artists.
Recommended furniture/antiquities shop:
Mobilias Mei Choi
Rua de Sao Paulo, #26
GPS Coordinates: N22 degrees, 11.786′, E113 degrees, 32.446′
Located at the foot of the Ruins of St. Paul’s Church, and just across from St. Paul’s gallery, Mei Choi has three floors of beautiful wooden trunks, furniture, mah-jong sets, and you-name-it. All furniture stores in the area feature reproductions and originals, so be sure to ask which is which. We found the selection of older pieces at Mei Choi to be quite good, and the staff helpful.
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